Senin, 23 September 2024

Have I Really Done What I Want?

Wake up every morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, a ritual that’s become as natural as breathing. My business, Kopi Merah Putih, is thriving multiple locations, a loyal customer base, and a vision that’s resonating with so many. On paper, I’ve got it all: on progress, stability, and a sense of purpose. But here’s the thing; I can’t shake the feeling that something’s missing. That quiet voice inside keeps asking: Is this really what I want? Have I been chasing goals just to check them off, or is there something deeper that I’m still searching for?

Sure, I’ve nailed the basics: food, clothes, a roof over my head. But once you've got all that, what’s next? Does life get boring once you’ve reached your goals? Or is it that we’re always chasing something because, deep down, we're never fully "done" searching?

Now, as I’m gearing up for grad school at the University of Indonesia to study Environmental Science, I’m hoping it’ll open new doors. Not just in terms of understanding the world around me, but maybe understanding myself better, too. Maybe through this journey, I’ll uncover deeper meaning than just business success or material gains.

I’m realizing that the daily grind isn’t about racing to the finish line. It’s about learning to enjoy every step along the way. Maybe the real win isn’t in “getting there,” but in the fact that I’m always growing, always evolving. The journey is the point.

And who knows, life stays interesting because we never really know what’s coming next. Every day is another shot to learn, grow, and find deeper meaning in what we do. So, have I found what I’m looking for yet? Probably not. But that’s kinda the beauty of it through the search, I keep discovering new things that make life worth it.

So for now, I’m rolling with it. Maybe that’s what makes life exciting: the never-ending quest to figure it all out.